My name is Etelka Kovács (Eti) and I have always been a Wanderer, a roamer of this diverse Planet that I love.

Having grown up in 4 countries of two continents (Europe and North-America), gone to 7 different schools, and since adulthood having spent more or less time in 11 more countries, including 2 years on a new continent (Asia), I still consider myself a Wanderer, even though I presently live in the country where I ethnically belong.

I have paused wandering in the past years to start my children off in this world in a safe and cosy environment. My heart is theirs and their Father’s and I will stay put as long as they need me to do so. They are 8 (Anna) and 4 (Adam), and we now live in the picturesque town of Budakeszi.

On a more practical note, I have an Msc in Management and Consulting, a background in English Language Teaching (10 years), HR Consulting (3 years), NGO management (3 years) and Experiential Outdoor Training (5 years). With starting the Vision Finder I wish to return to the magical world of Training and Group Coaching, helping other mothers find their way (back) to the work and career they like.

So, fellow Mommie Wanderers, those who are more or less at home in this country of Hungary, and presently strive to start/return to work or business with small children beside you, I invite you to join me in a quest of the journey our hearts wish for.

I invite you to a Life and Career Orientation Workshop and Support Group of fellow international moms in a process of finding the Vision of Your Future that sprouts from the person you are right now, the person you have become in your wanderings and your motherhood.
